Serializing, Deserializing, Deserialization surrogates, and Deserializing data into a dynamically loaded Assembly
Here is some example code on how to serialize and deserialize data with some fancy tricks including using custom deserialization techniques for specific data types and deserializing data types across namespaces and assemblies.
Some time ago I had a need to transmit serialized classed as a binary array across a proprietary network communication control. I was able to find an example on how to turn an ordinary .Net serializable Object into a binary array and how to convert it back. That code became the Serialize and Deserialize methods in the CustomSerializer class.
Later I had a problem where a couple of the classes that were being transmitted had been moved from one library to another, and across namespaces. This precipitated the need for the VersionConfigToNamespaceAssemblyObjectBinder class. Thanks to where TechDigger described how to deserialize data into a dynamically loaded Assembly, I was able to solve this problem. This class was attached to the BinaryFormatter's Binder property. In my slightly modified example, it takes the name of the class to be deserialized as it is given according to the system that serialized the class, and attempts to deserialize it as an identically named class but in a different namespace or assembly. While certainly this could be problematic, it does solve a problem for me where because of versioning mistakes, one class on the server side was in Foo1.Bar and that same class on the client side existed as Foo2.Bar. Without getting into a discussion on how people should properly version their libraries, this is how I solved it.
Much more recently I discovered that DataSet objects when transmitted using this same serialization method across time zones would alter the DateTime objects to fit the new time zone. This was a problem as we weren't transmitting the time zone information with the DataSets, so we couldn't translate the times back. The data we were collecting was more time-of-day specific than universal time specific. We were interested in data around times like “rush hour” which we could define on the side where we received the data. But we couldn't very well define rush hour when 6pm on the west coast was reading as 9pm when we received it on the east coast.
After some investigation, we discovered that the DateTime values were received exactly as we wanted them on our side and only got modified after the DataSet's XML deserialization process turned the transmitted XML back into a DataSet object. One of our developers discovered that you could create surrogate deserializers. I was able to take the example from Microsoft on how to use a surrogate deserializer.
This gave me the opportunity to modify the transmitted XML before the DataSet deserializer had a chance to see it. I borrowed an example from Craig Geil on how to fix the DateTime values by replacing all time zone related values found in the XML with local timezone information. You can see the combination of this code in the DataSetSerializationSurrogate class.
Now we actually discovered an alternative, “better” solution to the DataSet DateTime problem, but I like the example here on how to hijack the deserialization process. The solution settled on makes it so you can transmit DataSets with DateTime values relative to their location or relative to any time zone. Look for my next post on how to solve the DataSet DateTime problem without forcing every DataSet to have its DateTime values to be modified on the deserialization side.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public MustInherit Class CustomSerializer
''' <summary>
''' Convert a serializable object to a byte array for transmission.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="value">The serializable object to convert.</param>
''' <returns>A <see cref="System.Byte">Byte</see> array containing all the
''' information from <paramref name="Obj">Obj</paramref>.</returns>
''' <remarks>This makes transmitting serializable things like Exceptions really
''' easy. This only works when transmitting a class from one app domain to
''' another when the destination domain has an identical class to receive the
''' data into as the sending domain.</remarks>
Public Shared Function Serialize(ByVal value As Object) As Byte()
Dim MS As New MemoryStream
Dim BF As New BinaryFormatter
BF.AssemblyFormat = Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle.Simple
BF.Serialize(MS, value)
Return MS.ToArray
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Convert a byte array back into the serializable object it represented.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="serializedData">The byte array object to convert.</param>
''' <returns>A serializable <see cref="System.Object">Object</see> containing
''' all the information from
''' <paramref name="SerializedData">SerializedData</paramref>.</returns>
''' <remarks>Performs the opposite conversion of
''' <seealso cref="Serialize">Serialize</seealso>.</remarks>
Public Shared Function Deserialize(ByVal serializedData As Object) As Object
Dim MS As New MemoryStream(CType(serializedData, Byte()))
Dim BF As New BinaryFormatter
'reroute Dataset deserialization through
Dim ss As New SurrogateSelector
ss.AddSurrogate(GetType(DataSet), _
New StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All), _
New DataSetSerializationSurrogate)
BF.SurrogateSelector = ss
BF.AssemblyFormat = Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle.Simple
BF.Binder = New VersionConfigToNamespaceAssemblyObjectBinder
Return BF.Deserialize(MS)
End Function
''' <summary>This class lets the serialization routines work accross
''' domains</summary>
''' <remarks>This is NOT propper programming practice. I'm bastardizing
''' it, but I really badly don't want to make a dll that I have to
''' maintain versions of... for now.
''' <para>This class thanks to TechDigger:
''' </para></remarks>
Private Class VersionConfigToNamespaceAssemblyObjectBinder
Inherits SerializationBinder
Public Overrides Function BindToType(ByVal assemblyName As String, _
ByVal typeName As String) As System.Type
Dim typeToDeserialize As Type = Nothing
Dim shortTypeName As String = typeName.Substring(typeName.IndexOf("."c) + 1)
Dim asm As Reflection.Assembly = Nothing
typeToDeserialize = Type.GetType(typeName, False, True)
If typeToDeserialize Is Nothing Then
asm = Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(Me.GetType)
typeToDeserialize = asm.GetType(typeName, False, True)
End If
If typeToDeserialize Is Nothing Then
typeToDeserialize = Type.GetType(Me.GetType.Namespace & "." & _
shortTypeName, False, True)
End If
If typeToDeserialize Is Nothing Then
asm = Reflection.Assembly.Load(assemblyName)
typeToDeserialize = asm.GetType(typeName, True, True)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Trace.TraceError(String.Format( _
"VersionConfigToNamespaceAssemblyObjectBinder.BindToType " & _
"could not deserialize for assembly name {0} and type name " & _
"{1} : {2}", assemblyName, typeName, ex.Message))
End Try
Return typeToDeserialize
End Function
End Class
''' <summary>The purpose of this class is to modify DateTime types encoded in XML
''' that will be adjusted to match the local time zone. This class keeps the
''' DateTime values matching the original time of day regardless of timezone
''' value.</summary>
''' <remarks>Based on code by Microsoft
''' </remarks>
Private Class DataSetSerializationSurrogate
Implements ISerializationSurrogate
Public Sub GetObjectData1(obj As Object, _
info As SerializationInfo, _
context As StreamingContext) _
Implements ISerializationSurrogate.GetObjectData
End Sub
''' <remarks>Contents based on
''' How to fix DateTime values after .NET Xml Serialization
''' By Craig Geil | 15 Sep 2004</remarks>
Public Function SetObjectData(obj As Object, info As SerializationInfo, _
context As StreamingContext, _
selector As ISurrogateSelector) As Object _
Implements ISerializationSurrogate.SetObjectData
Dim x As New DataSet
Dim xmlSchema As New StringReader( _
DirectCast(info.GetValue("XmlSchema", GetType(String)), String))
Dim xmlData As String = DirectCast( _
info.GetValue("XmlDiffGram", GetType(String)), String)
Dim rp As String = "(?<DATE>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})" & _
"(?<TIME>T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(.\d{7})?)" & _
' Replace UTC offset value
xmlData = Regex.Replace(xmlData, rp, _
New MatchEvaluator(AddressOf getHourOffset))
Dim xmlDataReader As New StringReader(xmlData)
x.ReadXml(xmlDataReader, XmlReadMode.DiffGram)
Return (x)
End Function
''' <remarks>Contents based on
''' How to fix DateTime values after .NET Xml Serialization
''' By Craig Geil | 15 Sep 2004</remarks>
Private Shared Function getHourOffset(m As Match) As String
' Need to also account for Daylights Savings
' Time when calculating UTC offset value
Dim dtLocal As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(m.Result("${DATE}"))
Dim dtUTC As DateTime = dtLocal.ToUniversalTime
Dim hourLocalOffset As Integer = _
CInt(DateTime.op_Subtraction(dtLocal, dtUTC).TotalHours)
Dim hourServer As Integer = Integer.Parse(m.Result("${HOUR}"))
'Dim newHour As String = (hourServer + _
' (hourLocalOffset - hourServer)).ToString("+0#;-0#;-0#")
Dim newHour As String = hourLocalOffset.ToString("+0#;-0#;-0#")
Dim retString As String = m.Result(("${DATE}" + ("${TIME}" _
+ (newHour + "${LAST}"))))
Return retString
End Function
End Class
End Class