Adding Open Command Prompt to Visual Studio
I added a shortcut-key friendly way to get a command prompt open to the active project's folder.
This becomes increasingly handy since so much regarding DNX project development still doesn't have GUI support.
In Visual Studio, click Tools->External Tools…
Click Add and enter the following information:
![External Tools](screenshot%202.png)
The character that follows the '&' character will serve as the "shortcut key". You may have to find one not already in use in the Tools menu though, and that might be tough. Good luck. I found that the 'r' was not yet in use, so I went with that. The way I usually discover what is or is not in use, I hit 'Alt' and then 't' in Visual studio and see what letters in the tools menu are underlined. Anything underlined is already in use. Process of elimination…
Anyhow, after you click OK on the dialog, you should now be able to get a command prompt open to whatever project you are actively in. You can get to it quickly by successively hitting 'Alt' 't' 'r' or replace the 'r' with whatever shortcut key you chose.